Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A Wider World: Youth, Privacy, and Social Networking Technologies

My Summary
The author stresses the need to know the rights of users under federal, state, and local law that encourages responsibility on the use of such technology. The author also speaks on the importance for the development of privacy policies that manifest usage of technologies on the internet. Many laws were passed to help protect youth from legal adult pornography. The laws were written with good intentions. The federal courts placed injunctions on these laws that prevented them from being enforced. They said that the laws violated the First Amendment. The new technology expose youth to a wide variety of information. Technology help create new social norms. Parents have to be very careful when it comes to their children having access to the new technology.

Video Reflection
Parent's philosophy of do not talk to strangers does not apply when it comes to social networking online. Enough information is given over the internet for you to hold a conversation. Because of social networking the traditional philosophy no longer makes sense.

My Reflection
1) Some laws established dangerous precedents that could be used to restrict creativity, technological advancements, and free speech. It is very important that we have laws that protect our youth from online predators. We just have to make sure that our First Amendment rights are not violated. I think parents should have more control over what their children do when they are online. This will help minimize the chances of children talking to predators.
2) The Federal Trade Commission requires any website that collect personal information to publish a privacy policy. This policy is needed to help protect users personal information. Even though websites have privacy policies, you should be very careful when giving personal information online.
3) Technology help create new social new social norms. Because of the technology, people communicate to each other more freely. It allows people to form relationships. This technology can also be dangerous if not used wisely.
4) Proper modeling by parents is also important. Parents should teach their children about the do's and don'ts when it comes to social networking online. Parents should be involved with their children when they use online services.
After reading the article, I disagree with the author about when she said, "don't talk to strangers no longer makes any sense", because you should always teach your children not to talk to strangers for their safety offline or online.

Should we continue teaching our children not to talk to strangers?


  1. Online privacy for us as individuals is important and I am glad to see this issue gain more attention. I feel that this is even more critical for education due to the FERPA issues involved.

  2. Thats a very good question. I think we need to start teaching our students how to recognize danger, as well as what to do if ever faced with such a threat. I think collaboration among peers can have a great effect on their learning.
